Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fruit Crate Labels by Labelstone

Is there a legend more retold than King Arthur? From The Sword in the Stone by T. H. White to the 1998 movie Merlin on the Sci Fi Channel and the books by Marion Zimmer Bradely, we have been fascinated by this tale of the boy who becomes king and victim, hero and fool. It is a story of high ideals and sordid details. The main characters in the legend are viewed through so many lenses: Guenevere is a naive young woman who stumbled and took the world down in her fall, or a queen and matriarchal mystic ignored at your own risk. Merlin is a dotty old man, a powerful, magical force, or an introverted orphan, making his way as he can. Mordred is a symbol of evil or prince denied his heritage. Even Morgan Le Fey is seen as beautiful, evil seductress and deformed, ignored outcast.

This design, at Fruit Crate Labels by Labelstone, hints at that many-layered legend, with the realistic natural detail of men in the boat, in armor, and the lake mist with the swans and the hint of the parallel, magical world in the vivid reflections in the lake water. The sword thrusts through that barrier between worlds.

Indulge your nostalgia with this and other vintage and mythical designs at

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